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Talking Point #1:
False Narrati



We are giving credit to the Urban Dictionary for this. The term “false narrative” means to convey a story that isn't real but to characterize it as if it is by creating a false story behind the situation in order to make it factual, when the history itself never happened. Confused yet? Read that again. If you’re still confused, read on.


A false narrative is a recognized literary technique. According to Melanie Anne Phillips, author and founder of, “a false narrative is one in which a complete narrative pattern is perceived in a given situation, but it is not an actual narrative at work in the situation. The perception of a false narrative can be due to insufficient or inaccurate information or to insufficient or inaccurate assessment. The creation of a false narrative can be due to naturally occurring narrative patterns, transient contextual framing, inadvertent presentation or intentional deception.”


It's more than just "FAKE NEWS"!


Now that you have a better understanding, you can see it’s more than just “fake news”it’s more than just sharing an untruth, it’s intentional and calculated. It’s meant to distract the listener or reader, it’s meant to manipulate the conversation. So what happens when what we hear and read is processed through our own perspective and personal experience? Well, we may forget to verify facts, to invest time looking for additional details, and we may even jump to a false conclusion based on our personal biases. This is a natural response; we can’t help it. In these situations, the truth can be very hard to find.


The current media driven “story” that has been strategically developed and is hanging above our heads every day in the media, in our work places, and in our circle of life, is confusing. It’s crazy. Not only is the truth hidden, it’s also silenced when it does surface. However, if you become a better questioner of the facts, and more calculated as you draw conclusions, you will more confidently develop a personal conviction. Therefore, you will more effectively defend and hold your ground. At a time like this, it is critical to know WHAT you believe and WHY you believe it.


Regardless of which side of the political “teeter-totter” you ride on, the message being delivered to American citizens often doesn’t include the whole story. In fact, more than often it's the wrong story!



Truth and time go hand in hand.



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